Social Graph Documentation
Here we document how to use the Green Party Social Graph.
This social graph organizes people geographically makes it easy to connect with other local Greens, organize based on personal relationships, and circumvents the media blackout. It is not just a social graph, it is a network of friends reinforced with every communication. A political social network.
Every state has a Social Graph Node which lists the Facebook Groups and Twitter Ids for the Green Party in that state. You can grow the graph, by joining your state group. On the map, click into your state to see the form. People can volunteer to create a social graph node for their city, then new members can join the city node, instead of the state node. City nodes allow Green Party members to find each other. The problem with the Twitter Followers list is that the followers are often scattered all over the world.
The social graph has a great property. It can be used to circumvent the media blackout. If you post on Twitter or Facebook, proprietary algorithms determine who can see your posting. It is alleged that the MSM proprietary algorithms do not treat Green Party posts fairly. If you login to your social graph node, and hit the tweet button, a Tweet will be generated with all of your social graph followers mentioned. As the tree grows, the followers list is automatically updated. Then when you tweet out that message, those followers will all receive a notification. Really hard for Social Media to block such personal communications. And they can then pass the message on to their followers by copying, hitting the tweet button and pasting.
Of course you are limited by the size of a Tweet. Much better to create a Twitter Direct Message channel. There you can send a message to 20 followers. And your messages can be as long as you want. And since DM’s are not retweeted, there is no noise generated for the listeners. Perfect for Circumventing the Green Party Media Blackout.
Please mention me in such messages, so that I can see how things are progressing.
For reliability every node in the tree has two or three leaders.
News flows down, votes flow up.
For more information please read the child pages listed below.
There is no need to login to join the network, but if you do login, additional features are available. You can edit the page for your phone tree node, and add and approve child nodes and images (Logos, and Banner Ads).
Built using the Forest Map Wiki
This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.