This website helps voters connect with the Green Party.
This website started out as BernieSupporters.org (now dead). When Bernie suspended his presidential campaign, the original developer volunteered with the Howie Hawkins presidential campaign, and developed Maps.Howie2020.tech (Now dead). After the presidential campaign ended, the site became GreenMaps.US, the newly created team moved to Discord, and the site expanded to include NRCV.GreenMaps.US, GND.GreenMaps.US and M4A.GreenMaps.US. Each displays something different. These new sites are non-partisan. All parties are most welcome to join these sites. Please click into your state, and use the drop down menu Add -> Add Organization to add your local group.
End User Documenattion
This map server supports multiple applications. Maps, Directory, Instant Web Sites, Recommended Voting Lists, CMS, Phone Trees and more. Here are their docs. #end-user-documenattion
This page documents the projects history and future directions. #history
Here you have a number of videos about the Green Party Maps application. #videos
I never used to understand why it took so many people to make a movie. Software seemed so solitary. Now I get it. Please read everyone's contributions below. #credits
What different people have to say about the maps. #testimonials
Federal Policy
Here are our policies, designed to ensure compliance with FEC regulations. #federal-policy
Software Architecture Disaster
Okay, so forgive me if I speak my mind about the whole 2020 elections results software architecture disaster. #software-architecture-disaster
Alex Noyle
Alex Noyle is running for Auditor in Montgomery County Pennsylvania. #alex-noyle
Built using the Forest Map Wiki
This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.