Here you have a number of videos about the Green Party Maps application.
Here are a number of videos about this website.
The 4 minute introductory video is good start.
The 30 minute technical video is good overview of the domain model.
5 minute Forest Wiki Lightning talk is recommended for learning more about the Forest Wiki.
Introductory Video
GreenMaps.US is a collection of national and state maps of Green candidates, local Green parties, elected officials. It includes free web sites for 56 canidates and local parties. This introductory video will teach you what you need to know. 7 minutes #introductory-video
PyData Global Video
This video on the Big Benefits of Small Data was produced for PyData Global in November 2020. It tells you a lot about the software used in this application. #pydata-global-video
Green Maps Hierarchy
A 9 minute video clearly showing the 7 level deep Green Maps Hierarchy. #green-maps-hierarchy
Built using the Forest Map Wiki
This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.