Why We Need a Green Candidate Support Organization
- GP.org fired their IT guy David Doonan. They can barely do anything technical.
- GP.org hoards data. They do not provide appropriate access to data to their local and state parties and candidates.
- GP.org publicly supports a few candidates, and ignores the rest. Their web site and emails just list a few guys, they should have a map of candidates, or a clickable image of a map, so that everyone can find and support their local candidate, or join their local Green Party.
- GP.org is clueless about censorship. They have no policy on fighting censorship. They never endorsed nor supported the Unofficial Discord Green Party Server, even though Discord is the least censored of the main stream platforms. They flatly rejected the ideas of using censorship-free Substack, and in an email worthy of the Babylon Bee, in the same email, promoted both Facebook and Twitter
- GP.org does not provide software services to candidates. They should provide free open source web hosted software services such as Mailman, Discourse or Loomio and free web sites to all candidates who declare or who want them.
- GP.org squanders money. They wasted $10K on tone consultants, did not make any of the needed changes, and then spent barely anything on candidates.
Built using the Forest Map Wiki
This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.