Green Party Map Server
Map of State and Local Green Parties
West Virginia Mountain Party

West Virginia Mountain Party

West Virginia's progressive, ballot-qualified party.

West Virginia Mountain Party

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West Virginia Mountain Party

The Mountain Party is a ballot-qualified party in West Virginia, leading progressive policy and fighting for Working Families. Our platform is framed around democracy, ecology, justice, and peace.

We lead on key issues, including decriminalization of cannabis, defense of collective bargaining (support for unions), investment in public education, and protection of the public’s health and environment.  Our advocacy for workers and their families is unwavering. We are a people-powered party. Your Progressive Voice. Your Mountain Party.

Local Parties

Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia Mountain Party on Twitter Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia Mountain Party
Northeast West Virginia Mountain Party Facebook Group Northeast West Virginia Mountain Party
Greater Morgantown Metro Area Mountain Party
Central West Virginia Mountain Party Facebook Group Central West Virginia Mountain Party
Southern West Virginia Mountain Party Facebook Group Southern West Virginia Mountain Party
West Central West Virginia Mountain Party
Northern West Virginia Mountain Party on Twitter Northern West Virginia Mountain Party Facebook Group Northern West Virginia Mountain Party

Elected Officials

John W. Farrell
Daniel Lutz

Built using the  Forest Map Wiki  

This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.