Green Party Map Server
Map of State and Local Green Parties
Green Party of Pennsylvania
Christina E. Olson
Christina Olson For PA Governor 2022

Christina Olson For PA Governor 2022

Christina Olson, 2022, PA Governor Campaign, Tina Olson, Green Party

Hi, my name is Christina Olson, most people call me Tina. I’m running for Governor of PA in 2022 because I feel that our state needs leadership outside of the two major parties that continue to drag their heels for progress. While Republicans and Democrats have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, I guarantee my humble background would not suggest that I own such real estate. I’m a real person like you and I am tired of fighting for basic human rights in our country and that starts with our state. I stand for a livable wage, community-based free and comprehensive healthcare and education, environmental justice, racial equality, a true Green New Deal for Pennsylvania-banning and replacing the fracking industry with clean energy jobs, free post-high school education, reasonable gun laws, decriminalizing all drugs, decriminalizing sex-work, de-militarizing the police, closing ICE detention centers, and releasing political prisoners from the failed war on drugs.


My campaign is 100% Grassroots Democracy. That means that people, not corporations, are funding my campaign. This is the only way to fight corrupt politicians and profiteers that take money to keep all of us living in fastly deteriorating environments.


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This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.