Green Party Map Server
Map of State and Local Green Parties
Pacific Green Party of Oregon
Alex DiBlasi
My Opponent

My Opponent

Though my words against some Democrats have been strong, I harbor no ill will against Congressman Blumenauer.

 He has a fine record, and there are many things on which we agree. He’s a friend of the environment, of wildlife, and of farmers. He’s a proponent of public transit and the mobilization of Americans on bicycles as a viable means of transportation in a modern landscape. He’s one of the most pot-friendly legislators in Congress. On all of these issues, he and I are in total agreement. We’re both opposed to that damn wall. He voted against the creation of ICE twenty years ago, and I look forward to casting a vote for its abolition from the seat he currently occupies. I hope at some point in this contest we can sit down and discuss the issues.


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This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.