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National ranked Choice Voting Resource Center

National ranked Choice Voting Resource Center

They provide a comprehensive library of information that meets the needs of anyone looking to learn more about ranked-choice voting.

National ranked Choice Voting Resource Center

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National ranked Choice Voting Resource Center


The Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center (RCVRC) is a division of the Election Administration Resource Center, a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  RCVRC provides information, research, and tools to teach the public about ranked-choice voting. When the resource center was initially conceived, the team sought to develop a content-rich site to create a single space to share ideas, develop best practices, overcome hurdles, and deliver exceptional election administration. With decades of election administration experience and experience overseeing ranked-choice voting elections at all levels of government, our team now focuses on expanding the resources and information available about this voting method.  The work of the RCVRC covers many different ranked-choice voting matters in an accessible and actionable way.  The cornerstone of our resource center is our website that houses resources from research to webinars and podcasts to ballot design and more.  Additionally, our staff offers RCV consulting services, expert testimony, and implementation guidelines. Our nationally recognized center is regarded as the premier ranked-choice voting resource for voters, election administrators, policymakers, and candidates.