Green Party of Solano County
The Green Party of Solano County California
Green Party of Solano County
WebPage : Local Green Party
Green Party Discord Server
Mastodon Please Follow:@GreenParty@Chirp.Social
Phone: (510) 637-9036
Please avoid the following, it has been alleged that they censor content.
Twitter: @gpca
Facebook Group
Green Party of Solano County
The Green Party of Solano County is part of the East Bay Region of the Green Party of California, with numerous registered members who live in the Vallejo / Napa / Benicia / Fairfield area. We have been active for several years and hold County Council meetings each month at rotating locations. In Solano County, Green Party member Ruscal Cayangyang has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Vallejo Unified School District.
The Green Party is an international party found in nearly 90 countries worldwide, including the UK, Germany, Mexico, Canada and Ireland, where Greens hold Federal positions in Parliaments and Congresses. Within the United States, Greens have been elected to state assemblies and serve as mayors in New York and California, including former Mayor, now City Councilor Gayle McLaughlin, of Richmond. As of June 2016, there were 70 elected Greens in California.
Are you interested in getting active in the Solano County Green Party? You can email us at and come to one of our meetings.
Social Media
It is alleged that some silicon valley companies throttle progressive traffic, so please try the alternatives. Join the Unofficial Green Party Discord Server or join Mastodon and follow @GreenParty@Chirp.Social or @UncensoredNews@Mastodon.Social.