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Map of State and Local Green Parties
Green Party of Alaska
Alaska Southcentral Greens

Alaska Southcentral Greens

Green Party of Alaska bioregion for the Southcentral area

Alaska Southcentral Greens

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Alaska Southcentral Greens

Alaska's political landscape is divided by the Green Party of Alaska into bioregions. A bioregion, or ecoregion, is a large area of land or water that contains a geographically distinct, recurring pattern of ecosystems or natural communities. Most political divisions are divorced from the land and ecosystems around them, being related solely to human populations. This creates a political system inherently unconnected to the natural forces and the ecosystems upon which human beings depend. By reconnecting our politics with our biosphere, the Green Party of Alaska aims to bring our policy and our environment into fundamental harmony.

The Southcentral bioregion includes the Anchorage bowl, the Homer area, and the Cordova area.