Green Party Map Server
Map of State and Local Green Parties
Indiana Green Party
Monroe County Greens/Bloomington Green Party

Monroe County Greens/Bloomington Green Party

Monroe County Greens/Bloomington Green Party

Monroe County Greens/Bloomington Green Party

WebPage :
Focus:  Local Green Party
Green Party Discord Server
Mastodon Please Follow:@GreenParty@Chirp.Social

Please avoid the following, it has been alleged that they censor content.
Twitter:  @indgreenparty

Monroe County Greens/Bloomington Green Party

We need your help! We are not organizing against any political party, we are organizing to give all of us in Monroe County a choice. No longer will any party be swept into office unopposed. No more cancelled elections, like the Election Board did in 2019 for the city elections. We are going to show citizens of Monroe County that a political party can truly welcome diverse members and opinions. We are going to return civility back into our political discussion and debates.

Help build a political party from the ground up. If you are a student, join us. We have leadership positions reserved for students!

We are going to be a party of new ideas, and we won't silence you because your idea is "politically risky".

We are going to be a Party who welcomes debate, and will increase political ideas during campaigns.

We are actively running Green candidates in 2020.

This effort is real, we will be the 2nd party in Monroe County (not 3rd - currently the Democrats are the only political party).

This is going to be a significant historical movement in our community. Become a part of it. Together, let's show people what politics can and should be: Choice, Tolerance, Civility, Justice, and Ideas.