Instant Web Sites
Documentation about the Instant web sites feature.
We are now able to create Green Party websites, for politicians, or organizations, in a minute or two.
Here is the current list of instant web sites.
Now every State Green party has a website, and any Politician who
asks for one can get one.
One politician writes: "This give the campaign a big kick."
Check out the ND one for example.
As you can see here, they have literally no content of their own,
They did not even have a web site.
but it now looks like they have an interesting website.
And they can not only edit their site, they can also add pages, YouTube videos, logos, photos, and banner ads.
So there is no reason for any politician or green party in your state to be without a website.
How many groups in your state need a website?
Built using the Forest Map Wiki
This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.