Green Party of the 4th Congressional District
The 4th CD Green Party (GPSP) is guided by the four co-equal pillars of the international Green Party:
Green Party of the 4th Congressional District
WebPage : Local Green Party
Green Party Discord Server
Mastodon Please Follow:@GreenParty@Chirp.Social
Phone: 6512882820
Please avoid the following, it has been alleged that they censor content.
Twitter: @mngreens
Green Party of the 4th Congressional District
The 4th Congressional District of Minnesota spans nearly all of Ramsey County as well as Washington County. Major cities and towns include St. Paul, Woodbury, Stillwater, Maplewood, Oakdale, Shoreview, New Brighton, Roseville, White Bear Lake, among many others.
Our core values are: Non-Violence, Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, and Social Justice. GPSP does not endorse candidates who accept corporate or PAC money.
Social Media
It is alleged that some silicon valley companies throttle progressive traffic, so please try the alternatives. Join the Unofficial Green Party Discord Server or join Mastodon and follow @GreenParty@Chirp.Social or @UncensoredNews@Mastodon.Social.