Green Party Map Server
End User Documenattion
Advice For Candidates
Add or Edit a Politician

Add or Edit a Politician

Instructions for how to edit a candidate page or web site.

Green Maps is a multiuser Content Management System.  It is a good idea to watch the introductory video.


Step 0 is to register.  Ask for the url to register. After you register you will be logged in.
 When you logout,   you will find the login button on the menu bar at the top of the page.

After you register, you have to notify me, and I will give you permission to edit your content.   You would not want someone else editing your page, would you?

One you have permission, you will see  a bigger menu bar, and a drop down menu.



The manage menu is the interesting one.  Click on it and you get lots of interesting options. 

CkEdit or Ace Edit let you edit your home page. 

The add menu is also interesting.


Add should be pretty self explanatory.

Add Logo lets you add your photo, if you have not done so.  


There is also an add content menu in the middle of the page.


It lets you add candidates, elected officials, local organizations, web pages, paes with links, youtube videos, and events.  Future events show up pulsating on the map.   Add Candidate by URL crawls the remote web site for details.



 The candidate form is the most complex on the web site. 

It has tabs.  Introduction, Translatable content, Connect and Candidate Info.  You can use the "What to Include" drop down menu to decide which panels you want to see.  Hopefully all the fields should be quite clear on each of the panes.  Then hit submit.  Translatable content includes your main text.  There is an option to add spanish, but it does not yet display. 




Comments and questions are always appreciated.  Sorry if the images are too large. 


Built using the  Forest Map Wiki  

This Map is a volunteer effort, separate from the Green Party.