Address: Walnut St Philadelphia
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Olivia Faison is a third generation Philadelphian, and a product of the Philadelphia school system. She is chair of the Health Center #4 Advisory Committee, and secretary on the Board of Directors for the City of Philadelphia Health Centers. She has served as the inspector of elections at her polling place since 2008. Olivia is also an entrepreneur, currently involved in forging business relations with Mozambique. However, the cap she wears with the most pride is that of block captain, which places her directly in touch with the needs of her neighbors and her community.
Pollution from dirty energy, water contamination, and lead is hurting our kids. It is hurting our community. And it puts all of our lives at risk. It hurts the poorest among us are hurt the most when climate change and unchecked industrial contamination sink their teeth in. We cannot wait any longer to act. We must take immediate action on climate change and industrial pollution, allowing Pennsylvania to lead the green revolution.
Olivia is running with the Green Party, but progressives and liberals of all stripes agree a lot more than we disagree. Our fight is not against each other. We are allies. The fight is against the vision of greed at all costs, at the cost of our communities, our health and our progress. We can get so much more done if we vote the naysayers out and elect people with a vision for a greener, more equitable Commonwealth.
A vote for Olivia Faison is a vote for left-leaning Pennsylvanians to demand that the People and Plant come first in Pennsylvania. You?ll be electing a scientist, an ally for the Green New Deal, and a fighter for you.