Alex Polikoff
Location: Fire District
In office Until: Corvalis, OR
Address: Corvallis, OR
Mastodon: Please follow
Location: Fire District
In office Until: Corvalis, OR
Address: Corvallis, OR
Mastodon: Please follow
Why do you want to run for that office, vision/goals, how do you define winning:
To foster Progressive awareness and change.
Three key policies, messages:
Universal Healthcare, election & campaign finance reform, 100% renewable energy, tax reform
What is your plan, benchmarks:
To be seen, being Green
Resources you anticipate needing, treasure mapping:
Potential obstacles:
Media bias against minor parties, gerrymandered District
How much money do you plan to spend? How will you raise the funds?
Relevant experience and/or other
Previous candidate for State Representative, US Congress