James Cole Jr.

James Cole Jr. has been endorsed by the Green Party of Michigan to run for Wayne County Commissioner in District 2

WebPage:  https://www.migreenparty.org/Candidate/CandidateView?argCandidateID=173
Address:  Wayne County, MI
Mastodon: Please follow @TurboKitty@Mastodon.green

District 2 is totally within the city limits of Detroit, from the border of Grosse Pointe Park, west along the Detroit Riverfront east of the southbound section I-75, northward along I-96 to Holbrook, north to Webb Ave. and eastward to I-75, southward to I-94 and back to the border of Grosse Pointe Park with an area north of I-94 on both sides of Gratiot. The Wayne County Jail is a continuing issue--people sent to jail because they can't make bail, which rarely should be assessed; arrested persons who should be diverted from the criminal system to substance abuse and mental health treatment. Residents need better service to prevent tax foreclosures and over-assessments and to have jobs available.