Email: slepr2020@gmail.com
Phone: 989513949
Address: Mount Pleasant, MI
Mastodon: Please follow @TurboKitty@Mastodon.green
Please be aware that the following may censor us.
Twitter: @AmySlepr
Email: slepr2020@gmail.com
Phone: 989513949
Address: Mount Pleasant, MI
Mastodon: Please follow @TurboKitty@Mastodon.green
Please be aware that the following may censor us.
Twitter: @AmySlepr
Amy believes in The Green Party's Four Pillars included in the Ten Key Values. She will utilize these Pillars and Values to represent the constituents of District 4 in D.C.
Healthcare cost has crippled the working class in the USA. It has left many people in debt and often leads to homelessness or worse death, due to non-treatment. Both sides of the duopoly are more concerned with how much money, from Big Pharma, Big Corporations, and Big Money lines their pockets. I think we have had enough of their "What's in it for me" way of doing business. What benefits the working class and unable-to-work?
Let's try something different!