Charlene DiCalogero

Charlene DiCalogero has been endorsed by the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachussetts to run for State Representative in the 12th Worcester district.

Address:  Lancaster, MA
Mastodon: Please follow

Great news! Thanks to the help of voters who signed and returned her nomination papers in the mail, Charlene is on the ballot! See more below.

My name is Charlene DiCalogero, and I'm running for State Representative in the 12th Worcester district. I am running to give the residents of Berlin, Boylston, Clinton, Lancaster, Northborough and Sterling an energetic and independent new voice in the State House.

Our district needs someone in the State House to vote on what matters for you, and out in the towns listening to your concerns.

I can't think of a more critical time to bring fresh perspectives and a record of working for fairness and justice in healthcare, education, housing, living wages, environment and human rights to our district and the State House. As a Clean and Green candidate, you know I take donations only from individuals and not SuperPACs or corporate lobbyists. That means I will be independent of the party machines who ignore ordinary people's needs while catering to the wealthy 1%.

People know I have a strong track record as a local public official and active community member--I show up, I listen, and I advocate for what our people need. One Berlin voter who learned about my run for office declared, "we know we can trust you."

We can get people the healthcare they need during and after this pandemic, provide financial help for people who've lost jobs or closed small businesses, create good paying jobs, fix income inequality, and have a fair tax system, while saving the planet from global warming.

We can have public education, from early childhood to K-12 to higher education, that is excellent, fairly funded, and uses best approaches to teaching and learning for all students, while being responsive to student, family and community interests.

We can have a government that is of, by and for the 99%, the true "we the people."

This will be a historic win, opening up more choices for voters across the state, if you help get an alternative party candidate for People, Planet and Peace into the State House.