Ethan Malone

Hello, my name is Ethan Malone, and I am the Green Party candidate for Indiana State Representative, District 69.

Address:  623 Sprenger Road, Seymour, IN 47274
Mastodon: Please follow

Hello, my name is Ethan Malone, and I am the Green Party candidate for Indiana State Representative, District 69. Along with all of the Green values, I'm especially fighting for the working class, social justice (racial inequality, religious freedom, and LGBT rights), and marijuana legalization.

Being an author an entrepreneur has given me great insight into the needs and political desires required from the working class communities of my area. I'm someone who understands the issues of the voters because I listen, and I engage. I'm right there with them everyday, as one of them. We need proper representation among the common people and there's no better candidate than one of their own!