Phone: 203-559-1974
Address: PO Box 74 N.Branford, CT 06471
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Twitter: @justin4all2
Justin Paglino, originally from Shelton, now lives in Guilford with his wife and two children. Justin is an MD, PhD who recently transitioned from science and virology to dedicate more time to political activism. He also teaches and plays the piano and keyboards in a few local bands. Justin believes we all deserve the same things from government:
He believes that we all deserve healthcare, regardless of how much we can afford to pay, and that Medicare for All is the the right of all Americans.
He believes we all deserve to vote by Ranked Choice Voting, which would allow multiple political parties to flourish in America by eliminating the spoiler effect altogether.
He believes we all deserve clean energy, which would give us cleaner air and water, independence from petroleum, and a safer climate.
He believes we all deserve a foreign policy that seeks peace, because war is a horror that must only be a last resort.
He believes we all deserve liberty and justice: equal liberties and equal treatment under the law.
He believes we all deserve diligent public health, a government that uses the best available public health science to keep us safe and healthy at home, at school, at work, and everywhere.
He believes we all deserve a fair economy: specifically he contends that generally once you are rich it?s very easy to stay rich, and once you are poor it?s very hard to stop being poor, so it is the responsibility of government to compensate for this natural concentration of wealth, and to create a more level playing field.
He believes we all deserve quality education and guidance, and so barriers to equality of opportunity must be leveled.
If you want to be represented by someone with these beliefs, Justin promises that if he is honored to do so he will be true to these ideals.